Grimas in its simplest form is cannabis. But Grimas is so much more than JUST cannabis. When you want to get high, sure, you might use cannabis. When you want to come up with the next great idea, create an epic story for your friends to enjoy, or simply need an escape from the hectic every day… that’s where you can rely on Grimas. Yes, Grimas is cannabis. And yes, Grimas is THE experience.

"Found Grim off Lafayette about a week ago. The next morning I woke up in Flagstaff, Arizona. Highly recommend finding Grimas."
Derrick J.
"Man, finding Grimas in Highland Park was like striking gold! We tore up the town hitting up all the coolest spots."
Marvin F.
"For about three straight hours, I could only see through one eye. I also spoke to God. Or maybe it was just my neighbor's cat. Anyway, I'm finding Grimas again as I type this."
Billy C.
"Is Grimas single? Kinda looking to settle down with him soon. Can't let a good thing go!"
Jessica W.
"Grimas stole my car and my job. I'm not even mad about it. He can get away with anything as far as I'm concerned."
Ben Q.